Friday, November 03, 2006


It is election week, so there is plenty of juicy news stories popping up, including this one. Just so there is no misinterpretation that I am defending the guy, lets start here:
Evangelist Admits Meth, Massage, No Sex
The minister is apparently taking damage control lessons from John Kerry--I don't imagine the church folk saying, "Oh, just illegal drugs and a massage from a gay prostitute; well, that is different." All I want to point out is that his accuser is trying to point out the hypocricy of this dirty little man. I will second the claims of 'sin and 'crime', but I'm not sure the situation is hypocritical. We are all weak, fallen creatures who are going to sin (again and again). This goes for the preacher as well as the preachee. This doesn't make sin acceptable, we still must strive to be perfect, but most of us are quite a ways off. Now, a preacher will always have a weakness (perhaps vulgar language or an affinity for wine in the excess instead of gay prostitutes, but some weakness nonetheless). Assuming that he is in an orthodox church, this will be a sin. If a preacher is not allowed to state that something is a sin just because he has done/will do/is doing it, on a long enough timeline, there will be no sins left(I suppose it is wishful thinking to believe this isn't already true).

So: Sinful? yes. Hypocricy? maybe not. Politically effective? we will see.


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