Thursday, November 16, 2006

What is a liberal to do?

Wal-Mart: do we love them or do we hate them?

Sure, we are supposed to hate them because they are a greedy big business that oppresses its employees, kills communities, and makes too much money. But it is getting so hard for the single-track mind these days.

First, they went and stood up for Mother Earth.

And now they are pushing a private-sector version of Universal Health Care:
Wal-Mart announced Thursday that it is expanding its $4 generic prescription program to Nebraska and 10 other states.

. . .

The company also said Thursday that it is adding 17 more drugs to the program, bringing the number of available $4 prescriptions to 331.
But the same article warns us not to take them off the most-wanted list quite yet: "Critics have called it a stunt to draw in business and a grab for a bigger share of the drug business." You see, they still are evil. And besides, liberals can still hate them for being racist, right?

Actually, I read the reader comments below the article and my mind has been put at ease. We still passionately hate Wal-Mart:
Ryan wrote on November 16, 2006 10:48 AM:
"This is just another ploy from Wal-Mart to gain trust from the consumer while putting others out of business. It's well-known that a Wal-Mart business model is to lower prices to the point that they actually lose money on product, but the competition cannot compete, so consumers go to Wal-Mart only. Then, whenthe competition has been gotten rid of, Wal-Mart can raise their prices to normal again. Fall for it suckers. Do whatever it takes to help the Wal-Mart hedgemony."

RB wrote on November 16, 2006 9:55 AM:
"Thy have more money than Bill Gates. They should make it 2 dollars and start giving back some of that money. "
Give the readers time, I'm sure we will have Karl Rove linked to the evil conspiracy pretty soon.


[Of course, after saying all this, I must admit that I really do believe that corporations are destroying society. I just dislike the superficial "we hate Wal-Mart" bandwagon and I think I can offer better reasons to hate corporations. Also, there are some serious consequences to shutting down the likes of Wal-Mart and I don't think that any of us modern folks are ready for the post-corporate world. My manifesto to come someday . . .]


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