Sunday, November 12, 2006

In the interest of National Security?

I am not against censorship, but this seems more like a manifestation of Orwellian prophecy.
a firestorm has raged around the discovery that the archives secretly allowed agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Air Force to reclassify documents in the interest of national security.
This seems fine- good even. But I'm a little less supportive when our protecting "National Security" involves eliminating unrelated historical information.
When Rep. Christopher Shays, Republican of Connecticut, held hearings on the reclassification program in March, he said it was "drowning in a sea of faux secrets." For example, some of the reclassified cold-war-era documents detailed an unsanctioned CIA project to drop propaganda leaflets by hot-air balloon into Eastern Europe. (It did not go particularly well.) Another was a document that the CIA itself had already published. (It showed that on October 13, 1950, the CIA had assured President Truman that the Chinese would not send troops to Korea. Six days later, the troops arrived.)


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