I Think I've Made My Point
I must say that I'm very excited about this webpage. I'm honored to be aligned with such noble visionaries. And speaking of visionaries, did you happen to see the news today.
This story provides us with further evidence that there is a lack of creativity in American economics. A or B.
This story provides us with further evidence that there is a lack of creativity in American economics. A or B.
And since we are on the subject of corporations (I will use Ransom's ending note as a starting point), I would like to highlight an offering of the late Mr. Friedman on the topic:
Then there was his famous statement, in a 1970 New York Times Magazine article, that the job of a CEO is to run things in accordance with the desires of a company's owners, "which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society." This profits-first argument was a bombshell at the time, and acceptance of it has waxed and waned since. But it is telling that nowadays even outspoken advocates of "corporate responsibility" usually make the case that what they're really trying to do is maximize long-run shareholder value. Chalk up another victory for Uncle Miltie.
And chalk up another loss for all of those wage-slaves out there. Perhaps Ransom is correct that the corporation is a topic best suited for another day. But the corporate entity by design is directed towards the maximization of profit at all cost. To follow anything more than the most basic of society's standards would jeopardize that pursuit.
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