Thursday, March 29, 2007

Not as Cool?

Apparently the Today show thinks that Pope Benedict XVI isn't quite as cool as his predecessor. They led off yesterday's broadcast with this segment. Somehow this is news. Rule #1) It isn't cool to talk about hell. Rule #2) It is cool to have Bob Dylan sing for you, and the current Holy Father wouldn't have allowed it to happen.

To the Today show I offer this. That's pretty darn cool. Maybe King is actually trying to set up a match between Fr. Pat Egan and the Pope. Imagine the amount of people that would pay to see that. You would make millions, King, millions.

And for those of you who believe in the Pentavirate run by the Gettys, the Rothchilds, the Queen, the Vatican and the Colonel, check out this latest development. For all we know they're putting an addictive chemical into this sandwich that will make us crave it fortnightly.


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