Thursday, March 01, 2007

Social Control Update

Remember when people were hired for positions because they were the most qualified? Not anymore. I've been wondering how I could sue my way into either a job or some money, but I guess that I'm out of luck because I'm not black.
Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race.

And nowhere in this article is there any discussion of evidence of racial discrimination nor of any particular cases where there are allegations of racial discrimination. There is also no mention whatsoever of the qualifications of these black applicants. Its a statistical conclusion and we're supposed to just assume that there's discrimination. We don't actually have to prove that, we can just trust that its the case, because I mean come on, there's got to be more than six qualified black coaches right? If that's the case why can't they actually prove it, with evidence. Show me the specific cases of actual discrimination. Don't make some lame statistical argument that has no place in court. Title VII has been allowed to stretch a bit too far from its 14th and 15th Amendment moorings.


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